The EPFL Photo Club has a darkroom.
How to register for the Club and use the lab?
To register, follow this link and fill out the polyticket. Once completed, you will either have to go to the Agepoly shop (on the esplanade) or to a Club photo activity on Tuesday evening in CE5 to pay your contribution.
Then, two scenarios are possible:
1) You have already completed the film initiation (last year or this year) and signed the lab charter: refer to the “Use of the lab” section below
2) You have never done the initiation: register on this form. Two initiations are possible: one for experienced practitioners to give you the rules of safety and use of the lab and one for beginners which teaches you more about paper printing. Select a slot and once there are enough people in a slot, a manager will contact you to offer you a specific date and time.

Use of the lab:
Once the initiation has been completed and your membership fee has been paid, go to our web site to register. Once registered, send an email to (responsible for the lab) so that your account is validated. Once your account is validated, you will have access to the lab calendar. You can then reserve a slot among those available. However, you must wait for your reservation to be approved by a manager to be able to use the lab. Reservations must therefore be made no later than 24 hours in advance. Once the reservation is validated, the lab code will then be displayed (it changes regularly).
Moreover :
- The photographer must bring his own paper and film developer to develop/print his photos. The remaining equipment as well as the necessary chemistry being provided by the Club.
- Used chemical solutions must be emptied into the appropriate sorting containers. If you notice a hardware anomaly, or a lack of resources, please contact one of the responsible immediately.
Please use the laboratory with the greatest care, ensuring that it remains clean and tidy when you leave and respecting the equipment of others.
That’s it for the whole procedure! Do not hesitate if you have any questions ;)
The EPFL Photo Club