Join us

Welcome to the club! We are delighted with your interest in photography!

There are four ways to join the Photo Club and share your passion for photography in this association.

1 – Participate in free activities, you can join our mailing list below or follow us on Telegram and Instagram to stay informed of our activities

2 – Join our photography community by responding to the following form: coming soon

3 – Develop your film photos in our lab (after following training) for 40.- per year (60.- for non-students)!

Here is the link to register. All you have to do, after having completed it, is to go and pay your membership fee at the store or during a CE5 activity.

4 – Committee: We would be happy to have you in the committee or simply help you with a project that is close to your heart!

Join our Telegram channel to stay up to date with all our activities!

Subscribe to our mailing list to keep track of all our activities!